01 May, 2010

Weekend Funnies

  • Why don't men wear tight underwear?
    It cuts off circulation to the brain!
  • Why do men have broad shoulders and big foreheads?

    When you ask them a question, they shrug their shoulders and say, "I don't know."
    When you tell them the answer, they slap their foreheads and say, "Ohhhhhh." 
  • What is the difference between men and women?
    A woman wants one man to satisfy her every need........
    A man wants every woman to satisfy his one need
  • How does a man keep his youth?

    By giving them money, furs and diamonds.
  • Where do you have to go to find a man who is truly into commitment?
    A mental hospital. 
  • What's the most common cause of hearing loss amongst men?
    Wife saying she wants to talk to him.
  • Why are hangovers better than men?
    Hangovers will go away.
  • How are men and batteries different?
    Batteries have a positive side. 
  • Why does a man have a clear conscience?
    Because it's never used.
  • What do UFO's and caring men have in common?
    You keep hearing about them but never see any for yourself.
  • Why is dating like a game of cards?
    Because if you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.
  • How do you confuse a man?
    You don't have to - they're born that way

  • Why women like bidets? Because men don't know what they are.
  • What do you call a caring, considerate and gifted man?
    A Myth.
  • How do you scare a man ?
    Sneak up behind him and start throwing rice.
  • Husband: I don't know why you wear a bra; you've got nothing to put in it.
    Wife: You wear briefs, don't you? 
  • What did God say after creating man?
    I can do better.
  • Why do men want to marry virgins?
    They can't stand criticism.
  •  What is the thinnest book in the world?
    "What men know about women." 
  • How is an ex-husband like an inflamed appendix?
    It caused you a lot of pain, and after it was removed you found out you didn't need it anyway.  


SHAKIRA of "YOU ARE NEVER ALONE" hosts this wonderful weekend meme.

Weekend Funnies#8
April 30th- May2nd,2010
(Friday- Sunday)


    Unknown said...

    I always love your Funnies!
    Have you a great weekend!

    Bing Yap said...

    thanks shakira! i'm so glad i was able to participate this week. :)

    Jingle said...

    lots of funny Q&A, you rock!
    Nice to see you shine,
    Happy May!

    Bing Yap said...

    thanks for dropping by, jingle :)

    Jingle said...


    Meme participation award
    Happy Sunday!

    Bing (PinkLady) said...

    thanks shakira! i'm so glad i was able to participate this week. :)