Get ready to rock 'n roll!

"I've joined a rock band. Actually, I AM a rock band. Nobody will let me join their group so I decided to make my own dungeon band.
It's a screeeaammm.
Ever heard of my group?
I didn't think so.
So I'm thinking....We have our own Royal Blible, our own Royal Shopping Mall , we threw message bottles in the bloggy ocean and now it's time to become a Rock Band. This meme has been very popular in the past. I didn't write it and I don't know where it started. If you know, please tell me and I will give credit where credit is due. Not only is it entertaining but it would also make an interesting sidebar conversation piece. Think of it as sitting on the mantel in your blivingroom. (that's blog + living room for all you non blog speakers). I finished this little project with a new respect for mindless memology. The result was downright spooky."
I can't wait for the release of the next one! Brilliantly peaceful, that is.
Thanks for playing, Pink Lady.
You are most certainly NOT in the dungeon (I can't say the same for poor Jean-Luc though. Shhh...don't tell him. I let him out for Christmas and forgot to lock him back up.)
I heard that, Mimi!
Yours sounds like an Irish folk album.
Lol, i thought my band name sounded like something a person would cough up.....i think you topped me. The cover is great!
Lol... the band's name, the cover, the title and the theme (rock) just don't fit together. i guess Timbuktu is the only right place to launch this album.
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