When I first read of Jen's post at dust bunny hostage about wanting to celebrate Positive Day on July 31, my first reaction was "count me in!" This was actually her 12-year-old Diva Daughter's idea. Here's what she said:
"My little Diva Daughter read a review in the Wall Street Journal about the latest Harry Potter movie. It was not positive and she was disappointed. She gave a lengthy monologue about the negative things she had read. I walked her over to the computer, clicked New Post on my blog, and told her to "have at it". She looked one part shocked, and one part happy to voice her opinion (you can find that post HERE).When she was verbally sharing her opinion, she told me when she becomes president in 2032, she will instate Positive Day. She claimed it will be a day for people to think about the things they are thankful for and to share the things that make them happy. She also wrote about Positive Day in her post.
This is part of the comment Travis left for Diva Daughter:
"Now as to Positive Day, why wait? Pick a day and let us know what it is. We can make a blog badge and have Positive Day in the Bloggosphere!"
When she read it, her eyes lit up and she giggled - I could tell that she REALLY liked the idea of Positive Day being celebrated in the Bloggosphere. In her words "Oh yeah! Let's do it!"
And Positive Day was born from the mind of a twelve year old girl."
The concept is for everyone to share the things in their lives that are positive. She urged us to count our blessings and to "CHOOSE to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative."

How about you? Have you counted your blessings today? Believe me, it makes a whole lot of difference in your life or at least in your attitude. It won't hurt to smile as you recall all the good things that came your way.
Thanks to Mike of Rambling Stuff for leading me to Jen's site.

Happy Positive Day to everyone!